Tag Archives: juggling

Bath Upchuck 2011

The third Bath Upchuck juggling convention was (due to the magic of February’s 28 days) exactly a month ago today, and I’m still wading through the footage… This year I was a bit more organised on the day, and claimed one of the squash courts as a slow motion film studio for a couple of hours. You can view the highlights above – as well as some stills from wandering with the dSLR – but I promised to compile reels for each individual performer, and those are taking time. Still, I managed to post a video each evening of last week, and should be able to do the same for the next, so keep checking the dedicated playlist. In a departure from my usual methods, I also shot some timelapse:

Tokudane Toko Doga

I was contacted at the start of the month by a director from NHK’s Tokudane Toko Doga which – as best I can tell – is a ten minute weekly broadcast on interesting youtube videos. Glide had caught their attention, and last week I had the slightly surreal experience of an interview over skype, via an interpreter. The clip above is today’s show, and a few of my slow motion projects appear, between 03:30 and 05:16. Since I don’t speak Japanese I don’t have much idea what’s going on; my first soundbite was in response to the question “What did you feel when you first saw the video?”, and the second is me butchering the name of the show 🙂 There’s also an entry on their blog, but I can’t read that either!

Bath Upchuck 2010

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Last weekend Gravity Vomit held a juggling and circus skills convention at the University of Bath (where I spent my undergrad years), so I headed east to the west country with the high-speed camera. The flickr set contains some individual grabs from burst mode, as well as a few experiments with capturing multi-motion images.

However, slow-motion video quickly turned out to be the real crowd-pleaser, so I concentrated on that: as well as the highlights reel above, there’s also a playlist of longer clips available on youtube.